Documentos informativos

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Aquí usted encontrará nuestros folletos sobre nuestra compañía, productos, aplicaciones y accesorios.

Elementos filtrantes
The BOLL Differential Pressure Indicator is a robust and compact device indicating the contamination level of the filter elements ▶ Find out more!
Indicador diferencial de presión
Leinen / linen weave / lin ✓ Fünfschaft-Atlas-Bindung / five heddle cloth / satin de 5 ✓
Tabla de tejidos filtrantes
Unidad de limpieza ultrasónica BOLL TIPO 5.05
Cleaning of the filter elements is easy and trouble-free ▶ Reduce costs ▶ Save resources ▶ Two sizes and two lances ▶ Find out more!
Unidad de limpieza alta presión tipo 5.04
For each type of gas, volume of gas, required degree of purity, type of plant & all operating conditions, BOLLFILTER offers a perfect gas filter ▶ Read more!
Filtración de gas industrial
Microfiltración para lavadoras de botellas
Ballast water management systems ✓ Exhaust gas cleaning systems ✓ Offshore water injection systems ✓ Fresh water generation systems ▶ Many more!
Soluciones de filtración marítima
Filtration specialist: BOLL & KIRCH ▶ Sewage- & water treatment ▶ Wastewater treatments ▶ Drinking water plants ▶ Desalination plants ▶ Application-optimised filtration solutions guaranteed
Soluciones de filtración para plantas de tratamiento de agua y aguas residuales
Filtration specialist for the beverage industry ▶ 6.64 BWM/6.60 BWM caustic soda solution filter ✓ 6.18 BWM spray nozzle protection ✓ 6.03 AOT disinfection/filtration
Soluciones de filtracíon para máquinas de lavado de botellas
Filtres Duplex
Filtration of all liquids ▶ Filtration of all liquids. For installation into suction or pressure pipework to protect plant components preventing accumulation of dirt and sludge
BOLLFILTER Doble Tipo 2.04.5
Filtros automáticos
BOLL Filtrator Type 8.64/8.72 ✓ BOLLFILTER Automatic Type 6.64/6.72 ✓ Fine filtration of fuels for technically advanced engines ✓ Find out more!
BOLL Filtrator Tipo 8.64/ 8.72
Innovative combined solution for water treatment ▶ Filtration powered by Vortex flow and pressure assisted automatic backflushing ▶ Chemical free disinfection using UV light
BOLLFILTER Automático Tipo 6.03 AOT
Ideal for the filtration of ▶ machine cooling water ✓ cooling lubricants ✓ domestic water ✓ irrigation water ✓ turbine sealing water ✓ effluent ✓ and many more!
BOLLFILTER Automático Tipo 6.04
Chemical and petrochemical industry ✓ Sewage treatment plants ✓ Paper industry ✓ Offshore industry ✓ Mining ✓ Automobile industry ✓ Steelworks ▶ Many more!
BOLLFILTER Automático Tipo 6.18
Automatic filtration and maintenance of engine lubricating oil in diesel locomotives ▶ Reliable maintenance of lubricating oil quality ▶ Get more information!
BOLLFILTER Automático Tipo 6.46 con centrifugadora
Wide range of purposes ▶ filtering diesel engine lubricants ✓ filtering fuels ✓ filtering coolants in machining plants and transfer lines ✓ Find out more!
BOLLFILTER Automático Tipo 6.64
The Compact Design Two-Chamber Filter ▶ Perfect pre-treatment ▶ Filtration and regeneration without interruption ▶ Backflushing in tandem with filtration ▶ Find out more!
BOLLFILTER Automático Tipo 6.72
Compact fuel filter for optimum protection of the diesel injection pumps ▶ Minimum flush volumes ▶ consistent pressure ▶ Segmental backflushing of the filter
BOLLFILTER Automático el Tipo 6.21/6.22
BOLLFILTER automático el tipo 6.48
Individual platform concept ✓ Minimal operating costs ✓ Adaptive filtration configurations ✓ Multi-part housing construction ✓ Various housing materials ▶ Find out more!
aquaBoll® BWT
Filtros dobles
For the filtration of ▶ water ✓ lubricating oil ✓ fuel ✓ machining coolants ✓ component wash solutions ✓ chemicals ✓ duplex filter ▶ Find out more!
High End Gas coalescence filtration &#9654; Double Block and Bleed Filter &#9654; Switch-lever safety interlock mechanism &#10003; Proven leakage rates of individual seals within the ball valve < 1,37 x 10-4 mbar l/s
BOLLFILTER Doble Tipo BFD-C Doble bloque y purga
Filtros simples
BOLLFILTER Simplex type 1.12.2 &#9654; Minimal pressure losses &#10003; Most compact construction &#10003; Minimal number of components &#10003;   &#9654; Mehr erfahren!
BOLLFILTER Simple Tipo 1.12.2
Boll & Kirch Filterbau GmbH have been developing and manufacturing filters for fluids since 1950 &#9654; This brochure provides a snapshot of Boll & Kirch Filterbau GmbH
Folleto Corporativo
Automatic filters &#10003; Duplex filters &#10003; Simplex filters &#10003; Filter elements &#10003; Candle elements &#10003; Particle / coalescence element &#10003; Filter cartridge &#9654; Learn more!
Resumen de Productos

Tenemos altas demandas sobre la calidad de nuestros productos. Por lo tanto, nuestros productos son diseñados según normas internacionales y aprobados por todas las sociedades de clasificación principales. Somos certificados conforme a la ISO de ALBOROTO 9001 + la ISO 14001 + ISO 45001 y somos certificados de nuevo a intervalos regulares.

Aquí usted encontrará una descripción de nuestros certificados.

Aprobaciones del sistema
ISO 3834
BOLL & KIRCH está certificado por National Board Inspection
Sistemas de gestión
BOLL & KIRCH ha recibido el certificado ISO 14001: 2015
DIN EN ISO 14001
DIN EN ISO 50001
DIN ISO 45001